
The website originated in Japan in 2012 and became an instant favorite among anime lovers across the world. Prior to its shutdown, received millions of daily visitors and was one of the most used anime sites on the Internet. Being just a normal student without a special talent, Makoto Naegi wins a lottery to attend the prestigious Hope's Peak Academy where only the top prodigies attend. However, instead of this being the beginning of a wonderful high school life, it's a ticket to despair, because the only way to graduate from Hope's Peak Academy is to kill one of your fellow students or be one of their victims. BQ: If isn't a safe virus free/spyware free/malware free site to watch animes on, than is there a site as good or almost as good as, but is a virus free/spyware free/malware free site to watch animes on? Please give me a source or 2 with your answers, if any of you can!

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